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tall poppy

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Navalny-Skripal-Prigozhin: Courage and the Tall Poppy Syndrome

Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem. ~ Joseph Stalin AI Narration (Stephen)0:00/6:491× Governments may be considerable cutters of Tall Poppies. Dictatorships or authoritarian regimes and the "isms" always come to mind since they are often unobstructed and unabashed when

Navalny-Skripal-Prigozhin: Courage and the Tall Poppy Syndrome
Members Public

The Commonality between USS Indianapolis and Jaws

You can be destroyed but never defeated. ~ Ernest Hemingway AI Narration0:00/3:111× Last week's post HMS Wager, USS Indianapolis, and the Tall Poppy Syndrome explored England and the United States government's role in cutting down Tall Poppies. Part of the USS Indianapolis' history

The Commonality between USS Indianapolis and Jaws