tall poppy syndrome
What is the Tall Poppy Syndrome & How It May Be Impacting YOU
Then I saw that all toil and all skill in work come from a man’s envy of his neighbor. This also is vanity and a striving after wind. Ecclesiastes 4:4 The "Simply Fit Podcast" with Elliot Hasoon is London-based and was my last guest podcast of

EP 42: Real Confidence- The Joy of Cutting Others Down with Special Guest Doug Garland
Knowing it was out of envy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him. Mark 15:10 I am sharing a short, 18-minute podcast, that I did on the first of this year before my website was up and running (see https://lnkd.in/eGgpEPXP). It is shorter

Jealousy, a Love Triangle, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome
It is not love that is blind, but jealousy. Lawrence Durrell The last blog dealt with envy (Envy, the Cappolas, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome). Presently, we will examine jealousy. For your review, we will define them again. Jealous people are concerned about losing something or someone they have or

Envy, the Coppolas, and The Tall Poppy Syndrome
Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something dies in me. Gore Vidal Envy and Jealousy are often used interchangeably by the public and even writers who one might think would be better informed. Both are distinct and complex emotions regarding ownership. Since I write mostly about TPS understanding the so-called

Katalin Karikó, The Nobel Prize, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome -Part 2
You can call me Ray, you can call me mistreated, you can call me shunned, you can call me overlooked but you doesn’t hasta call me tall poppied. Bill Saluga (paraphrase) If this title seems like deja vu, it is. I did a previous blog with the same title

Jack Ma, Fortitude, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. William Shakespeare Fortitude. The cardinal virtues of classical philosophy and Christian theology are prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. Aristotle stated that fortitude is the virtue of the man who, being confronted with a noble occasion of

Jordan Peterson, Professional Licensing Agencies, & the Tall Poppy Syndrome - Part I
Tall trees catch much wind. Chinese Idiom Tall Poppies (TP) are not determined by a ballot box; it is very subjective. My TP may not be your TP. Government agencies, often three letters, cut down many people (The Tall Poppy Syndrome: The Joy of Cutting Others Down). Jordan Peterson is

Livy, Tarquin the Proud, & The Tall Poppy Syndrome
This is the second animation of this two-part series regarding the Roman Kingdoms. The first episode (see Rome's Founding, Familial Envy & The Tall Poppy Syndrome) involved twin brothers Romulus and Remus vying for leadership at the beginning of a new Rome and its First Kingdom in 753

Was Budweiser a Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome?
Can businesses be victims of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS)? The answer to both questions is a resounding yes. After the storyline is recounted, I will take you through the TPS anatomy as described in Anatomy of the Tall Poppy Syndrome. Bud Light was a top-selling beer when it hired

Roses and The Tall Poppy Syndrome(TPS)
A Rose is a rose is a rose ~ Gertrude Stein Stein used the sentence in a poem (1913) but later modified it which some interpreted as "it is what it is." This could be construed as the law of identity. But she had other ideas as did many