Stolen Valor, Pride, and the Tall Poppy Syndrome.
Heros are not known by their loftiness of carriage; the greatest braggarts are generally the merest cowards. Jean-Jacques Rousseau AI Narration0:00/12:261× The ancient Greek dramatist Aeschylus stated around 550 BC "The first casualty of war is the truth". I would argue that we could substitute

Self-Righteousness and Hypocrisy as Cutters in the Tall Poppy Syndrome.
Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her. John 8:7. AI Narration0:00/10:201× In an article in Psychology Today (January 13, 2021) "Righteous vs. Self-Righteous" Leon R Seltzer Ph.D. wrote: Here, people labeled as self-righteous

Was Budweiser a Victim of the Tall Poppy Syndrome?
Can businesses be victims of the Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS)? The answer to both questions is a resounding yes. After the storyline is recounted, I will take you through the TPS anatomy as described in Anatomy of the Tall Poppy Syndrome. Bud Light was a top-selling beer when it hired